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Asphalt Care

The presentation of an asphalt surface depends very much on its treatment during the first few months after installation. The surface binder is soft until it oxidises and the following should be avoided during this period:

  • Extreme turning of rubber-tyred vehicles especially with power steering.
  • Traffic prior to the asphalt cooling to 40°C or below.
  • Leaking of any oil or petroleum product on the surface.
  • Point loading the surface eg trailer jockey wheel, motorcycle stand.

There are measures than can be taken to limit the damage as follows:

  • Apply thin layer of sand or grit to promote slippage of rubber-tyred vehicles. Note that appropriate signage should warn road users of the presence of the sand.
  • Apply water to the finished asphalt surface to accelerate the cooling process.
  • In the case of petroleum product spills, apply kitty litter or sand to the affected area immediately and remove and replace the material when saturated.
  • Place a plank or similar to distribute the weight from the point loading.

Roads 2000 can provide advice to clients on the care of asphalts where required.


  1. AAPA Fundamentals of Bituminous Surfacing (2010)
Roads2000 - Notes #06 Asphalt Care