Asphalt Road Repair Services
Backed by over 25 years of experience, our team of experts at Roads 2000 have the capacity to deliver asphalt road repairs and maintenance services around the Perth metropolitan area.
Whether you have severe damage that needs repairing or simple road maintenance, Roads 2000 has the equipment, personnel and experience to complete the work quickly and efficiently.
No matter how severe the damage may be or what maintenance is needed, the experienced Roads 2000 team can carry out asphalt road repairs for issues including potholes, crack, and patches, as well as bitumen repairs and rut correction. We take pride in continuing to build the infrastructure of Perth and Western Australia, meaning we’re committed to ensuring you get the service you deserve. Whether you’re located in the metro region, or remote WA, we’ll provide a quick and efficient asphalt crack and road repair service. Contact us today on 08 9202 0800.
At Roads 2000, we understand that potholes, asphalt cracks and rut correction require almost immediate repair and maintenance services to ensure there are little or no interruptions across our WA roads. Which is why we provide a high quality, quick turnaround across all our bitumen and asphalt repair services. With two mobile asphalt mixing plants based right here in WA, we’re able to efficiently mix both warm and hot asphalt (depending on the extent of the repair or damage), which in turn allows us to provide outstanding customer service for all our clients.
Rut Correction
Austroads and Main Roads Western Australia both define a rut as a vertical deformation of a pavement surface formed by the wheels of vehicles.
In rural Western Australia this is caused mainly by post-construction consolidation of one or more layers of the pavement as follows:
- Insufficient compaction of the base-course material (crushed rock, crushed limestone or natural gravel) during the construction phase.
- Deformation of the sub-grade due to insufficient pavement depth.
In many cases, the design axle loading for the pavement has increased significantly since the road was built or the available road construction materials were of a lesser quality than would have been preferred.
The two major concerns with road rutting are:
- The rut fills with water which both increases the rate of pavement failure and increases the risk of hydro-planning.
- The rut tends to pull a vehicle towards the rut path when it is steered across the rut.
If the rut is left untreated it will eventually lead to total pavement failure and costly reconstruction. To alleviate this potential outcome Roads 2000 has been conducting rut repairs for its rural clients by correcting the rut with an asphalt material in preparation for resealing. The process generally utilises a 7mm 50blow dense grade asphalt to fill the rut. The material is laid by a paving machine which ensures that the longitudinal grade remains smooth. It is then recommended that the surface is left for up to 12 months to ensure that the surface has fully oxidised. This ensures that that there will be no “bleeding” when the new seal is sprayed and covered.
Allen Hicks from the Shire of Wagin has utilised this methodology for the past six years and advises that: “the rut correction has extended the life of our pavements and has reduced the need for more expensive reconstruction”.
More Information
- Austroads Glossary of Terms (2010)
- Main Roads WA: Test Method WA 313.2 – 2012.
- Pavement Evaluation – Flexible Pavement Distress University of Washington (2005)
Contact Us For Asphalt Crack and Road Repairs
No matter what asphalt potholes and cracks or issues you have, our team at Roads 2000 can carry out all the asphalt and bitumen repairs you’re after.
To get your asphalt repair and patch repair services underway, request a quote from our team in Perth today by calling (08) 9202 0800.